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Kategorier - Liner - Nanofil

SELECT VareTabel.varenr , VareTabel.Kategori1 , VareTabel.Kategori2 , VareTabel.Kategori3 , VareTabel.Beskriv , VareTabel.Lagersted1 , VareTabel.LagerAntal , VareTabel.Beskriv100 , VareTabel.Fabrikat , VareTabel.Tilbud , VareTabel.Pris , VareTabel.varetype , VareTabel.Opretdato , VareTabel.VejledendeUdsalgsPris , VareTabel.VareNr1AfSaet , VareTabel.VareNr2AfSaet , VareTabel.VareNr3AfSaet , VareTabel.VareNr4AfSaet , VareTabel.VareNr5AfSaet , VareTabel.VareNr6AfSaet , VareTabel.VareNr7AfSaet , VareTabel.VareNr8AfSaet , VareTabel.Rabatgruppe , VareTabel.netrabat , VareTabel.PrisVed2Stk , VareTabel.PrisVed3Stk , VareTabel.PrisVed4Stk , VareTabel.PrisVed5Stk , VareTabel.PrisVed10Stk , VareTabel.PrisVed20Stk , VareTabel.PrisVed50Stk , VareTabel.PrisVed100Stk , VareTabel.PrisVed250Stk , VareTabel.Kolli , VareTabel.LagerAntalGrej FROM Varer AS VareTabel WHERE (VareTabel.VareType = 'GREJ') AND VareTabel.Kategori1 = 'Liner' AND VareTabel.Kategori2 = 'Nanofil' AND VareTabel.VejledendeUdsalgsPris > 0 ORDER BY VareTabel.Kategori1 ASC, VareTabel.Kategori2 ASC, VareTabel.Kategori3 ASC, VareTabel.VareNr DESC
  • 4005652831947 - Platinum Royal ørred line - Rullekapacitet:150M. - Brudstyrke:6.1kg. - Farve:Blå - 001 2100 022<br>When fishing for trout, opinions differ as to whether a braided or monofilament line is the better choice. That’s why we now offer a monofilament line specially suited for fishing with spoons and Trout Collectors. In winter when the temperature drops below zero, it is next to impossible to fish with braided lines, because they soak up the water and freeze. Stateof-the-art polymers in the lines lends both excellent suppleness and high abrasion resistance. For a monofilament, the line has surprisingly little stretch. This line also features our anti-twisting system.
Beskrivelse:Platinum Royal ørred line - Rullekapacitet:150M. - Brudstyrke:6.1kg. - Farve:Blå - 001 2100 022
Lagerantal:Er på lager
  • 4005652831909 - Platinum Royal ørred line - Rullekapacitet:150M. - Brudstyrke:4.6kg. - Farve:Chartreuse - 001 2099 019<br>When fishing for trout, opinions differ as to whether a braided or monofilament line is the better choice. That’s why we now offer a monofilament line specially suited for fishing with spoons and Trout Collectors. In winter when the temperature drops below zero, it is next to impossible to fish with braided lines, because they soak up the water and freeze. Stateof-the-art polymers in the lines lends both excellent suppleness and high abrasion resistance. For a monofilament, the line has surprisingly little stretch. This line also features our anti-twisting system.
Beskrivelse:Platinum Royal ørred line - Rullekapacitet:150M. - Brudstyrke:4.6kg. - Farve:Chartreuse - 001 2099 019
Lagerantal:Er på lager
  • 4005652831879 - Platinum Royal ørred line - Rullekapacitet:150M. - Brudstyrke:4.6kg. - Farve:Pink - 001 2098 019<br>When fishing for trout, opinions differ as to whether a braided or monofilament line is the better choice. That’s why we now offer a monofilament line specially suited for fishing with spoons and Trout Collectors. In winter when the temperature drops below zero, it is next to impossible to fish with braided lines, because they soak up the water and freeze. Stateof-the-art polymers in the lines lends both excellent suppleness and high abrasion resistance. For a monofilament, the line has surprisingly little stretch. This line also features our anti-twisting system.
Beskrivelse:Platinum Royal ørred line - Rullekapacitet:150M. - Brudstyrke:4.6kg. - Farve:Pink - 001 2098 019
Lagerantal:Er på lager
  • 4005652116037 - Platinum Royal line - Rullekapacitet:300M. - Brudstyrke:7.9kg. - Farve:Grå - 001 2302 028<br>By using state-of-the-art polymers the Platinum has significant great resistance to abrasion, yet it remains just as supple as ever. The AntiTwist system developed by Balzer reduces line-twisting to a minimum. The special anti-reflex coating ensures inconspicuous bait presentation even on bright days or in clear water. 
Highly compressed molecules ensure maximum load-bearing capacities, UV protective coating, Extremely high resistance to abrasion, Incredibly little elongation, Extremely supple for maximum casting distances, AntiTwist system reduces twisted lines to a minimum.
Beskrivelse:Platinum Royal line - Rullekapacitet:300M. - Brudstyrke:7.9kg. - Farve:Grå - 001 2302 028
Lagerantal:Er på lager